
Harnham Junior School fully recognises its responsibility for safeguarding and child protection. As such we provide regular training and guidance for all adults working in the school (this includes staff, governors, volunteers and visitors). This identifies acceptable and desirable conduct to protect both pupils and adults. We also operate recruitment procedures which are fully compliant with safer recruitment guidance. Specific information can be found in the following documentation, available in the policies section of the website:

Below is a list of links to important websites and information surrounding safeguarding:

Review of the child protection process at school:

Frequently asked questions about child protection:

Wiltshire safeguarding children board:

Child exploitation and online protection (CEOP) information:


Beat bullying website:

Online Safety

Click here to access our online safety section of the website.

Operation Encompass

In the event of any of our pupils experiencing or witnessing domestic violence or abuse, Harnham Junior School receives information from Wiltshire Police.

This information is shared as part of Wiltshire Police’s ‘Operation Encompass’ programme, aiming to ensure schools can offer support to these pupils when needed. Wiltshire Police aim to share this information with us before the next school day, following a domestic incident, so that we can be ready to support the pupil on their arrival to school. Wiltshire Police also confirm with school whether or not the pupil is aware of the incident, so that decisions can be made around whether or not explicit or more discreet support can be offered.

In the event of an incident taking place outside of Wiltshire, the relevant Police Force dealing with the situation will pass the information to Wiltshire Police, who will then inform school via Operation Encompass.

If you are concerned for a child:

If they are in immediate danger/risk of harm call the police on 999.

Any adult can make a referral to Social Services via Wiltshire’s Multi agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0300 456 0108 (5:30pm-9:00am 0845 6070 888)


Designated Safeguarding Leads

Mrs Donnelly - Headteacher (Designated Safeguarding Lead)


Miss R Fletcher

(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Mrs T Winters

Mrs T Winters

(Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)


Our Nominated Safeguarding Governor is Andrew Barnard, who can be contacted via email ( or via the School Office.


Designated Teacher for the Looked After Children (DTCLA)

Miss R Fletcher