At Harnham Junior School, we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of pupils and staff. We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and, at times, anyone may need additional emotional support. We take the view that positive mental health is everybody's business and that we all have a role to play.
At Harnham Junior School we:
Help children to understand their emotions and feelings better
Help children feel comfortable sharing any concerns or worries
Help children socially to form and maintain friendships
Promote self-esteem and ensure children know that they count
Encourage children to be confident and 'dare to be different
Help children to develop emotional resilience and to manage setbacks
Support for Children
Introducing Mrs Nash, our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA).
Support for Parents
Introducing Sarah Gorringe, our Parent Support Advisor (PSA).
Sarah can often be spotted on the playground at the start of the School day, or can be contacted via her email: sgorringe@harnham-jun.wilts.sch.uk or PSA@harnham-jun.wilts.sch.uk (Sarah responds to both email addresses) or through the School Office by phone.
Click here to access our document Cost of living information and Support for Parents and Carers, it includes many useful links to help support anyone experiencing difficulties.